No Mir­ror! PBS Blames Rea­gan, Cable News, ‘Dis­in­for­ma­tion’ for Declin­ing Trust in Media

Wednesday’s PBS News Hour seg­ment posed as an even-hand­ed exam­i­na­tion of declin­ing trust in the news media, set­ting up Fox News on the right match­ing MSNBC on the left as both being to blame. But vet­er­an reporter Judy Woodruff’s fram­ing of bias, as a prob­lem only for cable news and its opin­ion-heavy polit­i­cal cov­er­age, leaves out the con­stant bias that occurs on those pre­sumed bas­tions of objec­tiv­i­ty, the Big Three broad­cast net­works, not to men­tion PBS and CNN.Anchor Geoff Ben­nett intro­duced the segment.Woodruff first talked to Repub­li­can Jeri Lev­asseur, a retired nurse who watch­es F …