Pelosi denies mak­ing phone calls to orga­nize Biden ouster

For­mer House Speak­er Nan­cy Pelosi is down­play­ing reports she led the pres­sure cam­paign to push Pres­i­dent Joe Biden to step down as the 2024 Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee.
“No, I wasn’t the leader of any pres­sure [cam­paign],” Pelosi told CBS in a clip of an inter­view that aired on Sat­ur­day. “Let me say things that I didn’t do: I didn’t call one per­son. I did not call one per­son. I could always say to him, ‘I nev­er called any­body.’”

In the snip­pet, Pelosi also respond­ed to reports Biden was “furi­ous” with her regard­ing her role in the pres­sure cam­paign and not pub­licly sup­port­ing him, with Democ­rats, includ­ing close allies to her, such as Reps. Jared Huff­man (D‑CA), Zoe Lof­gren (D‑CA), and Adam Schiff (D‑CA), instead encou …