The Whe­lan family’s night­mare ends

The Whelan family’s nightmare ends

The Whe­lan fam­i­ly night­mare has final­ly come to a close with for­mer Marine Paul Whelan’s return to the Unit­ed States after he spent more than five gru­el­ing years in a Russ­ian prison.
Whe­lan went to Moscow a cou­ple of days before Christ­mas in 2018 for a for­mer fel­low Marine’s wed­ding when he was arrest­ed on alle­ga­tions he was a spy. He was arrest­ed on Dec. 28, 2018, and was in a Russ­ian prison from that moment until Thurs­day, when the U.S., Ger­many, Nor­way, Slove­nia, Belarus, and Rus­sia agreed to the l …