ABC’s Rachel Scott Swoons Over Idea of “Pros­e­cu­tor” Har­ris at Debate

The Regime Media con­tin­ue to do their lev­el best to boost Kamala­ma­nia into the atmos­phere. On ABC This Week, senior cam­paign cor­re­spon­dent Rachel Scott open­ly sali­vat­ed over the prospects of a Har­ris-Trump debate.
Watch as Scott rehash­es the campaign’s “pros­e­cu­tor vs. felon” nar­ra­tive, and spec­u­lates over whether Trump will even debate Har­ris:

9:46 AM
SUSAN PAGE: I mod­er­at­ed the last debate she did in 2020. The vice pres­i­den­tial debate. She is a good debater. She is con­fi­dent. She uses a lit­tle humor. She made Mike Pence be qui­et, whi …