Don­alds spars with Stephanopou­los: Trump is focused on Harris’s record over her race

Rep. Byron Don­alds (R‑FL) pushed back against ABC News’s George Stephanopou­los when pressed on why for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump has ques­tioned Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s eth­nic­i­ty, con­tend­ing he has put a heav­ier focus on her record as a law­mak­er.
The ques­tion Don­alds was respond­ing to was in ref­er­ence to Trump’s appear­ance at the Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Black Jour­nal­ists’ annu­al con­fer­ence this past week, dur­ing which Trump ques­tioned why Har­ris had been iden­ti­fy­ing as black when “she was always of Indi­an her­itage.” The Flori­da con­gress­man argued that Trump made this com­ment when respond­ing to a ques­tion from ABC’s Rachel Scott, and called the dis­cus­sion over his remarks “a pho­ny con­tro­ver­sy” that most vot­ers ulti­mate­ly do not care about.
“It doesn’t real­ly mat­ter, the pres­i­dent men­tioned it,” Don­alds said on ABC News. “What he also talks about far more fre­quent­ly is the fact that Kamala Har­ris is the per­son who cre­at­ed this mas­sive infla­tion which is destroy­ing black fam­i­lies, white fam­i­lies, His­pan­ic fam­i­lies”
He con­tin­ued, “It’s her fail­ure as bor­der czar that …