For­mer House Repub­li­can endors­es Har­ris and slams Trump’s ‘thirst for revenge’

Former House Republican endorses Harris and slams Trump’s ‘thirst for revenge’

For­mer Repub­li­can Vir­ginia Rep. Den­ver Rig­gle­man has endorsed Kamala Har­ris for pres­i­dent and tar­get­ed Don­ald Trump in his announce­ment.
“I was heart­bro­ken and hor­ri­fied to see how close we came to los­ing our democ­ra­cy on Jan­u­ary 6, because of one man — Don­ald Trump,” Rig­gle­man wrote in a state­ment released by the Har­ris cam­paign. “I’ve seen with my own eyes how Trump’s thirst for pow­er, revenge, and ret­ri­bu­tion is his real moti­va­tion, and that’s why I can­not stand by while he tries to destroy our coun­try.”

Rep. Den­ver Rig­gle­man, R‑Va., speaks as the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives debates the arti­cles of impeach­ment against Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump at the Capi­tol in Wash­ing­ton, Wednes­day, Dec. 18, 2019. (House Tele­vi­sion via AP)

Riggleman’s sup­port for the pre­sumed Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee was announ …