Geor­gia Activist Steals Spot­light At Trump Ral­ly, Rips Kamala Har­ris Hurt­ing ‘Black Com­mu­ni­ty’

A black Geor­gia activist became the cen­ter of atten­tion at a ral­ly for for­mer pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump on Sat­ur­day when she riled the crowd in sup­port of Trump and how his poli­cies ben­e­fit black Amer­i­cans.
Trump intro­duced Con­serve the Cul­ture founder Michae­lah Mont­gomery to an audi­ence in Atlanta on Sat­ur­day. Trump met Mont­gomery ear­li­er this year at a cam­paign stop at a Geor­gia  Chick-fil‑A and called her “so smart, so sharp,” accord­ing to Fox News.
“She grabbed me. She gave me a kiss,” Trump said after bring­ing her on stage. “I said, ‘I think I’m nev­er going back home to the first lady.’”
Mont­gomery then spoke and, in one por­tion of her speech, ripped into Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris for harm­ing the black com­mu­ni­ty and black fam­i­lies.
“They don’t wan …