JD Vance: Democ­rats Call­ing Me ‘Weird’ Is ‘A Lot Of Pro­jec­tion’ By Them

Sen. JD Vance (R‑OH), for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s vice pres­i­den­tial run­ning mate, said dur­ing an inter­view over the week­end that attempts by the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty to label him as “weird” amount­ed to pro­jec­tion by the polit­i­cal Left.
Vance made the remarks dur­ing a pre-taped inter­view that aired Sun­day on Fox News’ “Sun­day Morn­ing Futures” with host Maria Bar­tiro­mo.
“What do you say about this new strat­e­gy to call you weird from the Democ­rats?” Bar­tiro­mo asked.
“I think that it’s a lot of pro­jec­tion, frankly, Maria, from peo­ple who wa …