Jim Jus­tice says Repub­li­cans should regret push­ing so hard to get rid of Biden

Jim Justice says Republicans should regret pushing so hard to get rid of Biden

EXCLUSIVE — Gov. Jim Jus­tice (R‑WV) thinks Repub­li­cans made a mis­take under­cut­ting Pres­i­dent Joe Biden now that he has decid­ed to stand aside as the 2024 Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee.
But at the same time, Jus­tice, 73, remains con­fi­dent work­ing-class vot­ers, includ­ing those who call his state of West Vir­ginia home, will not cast a bal­lot for Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris this Novem­ber.
“I don’t know why that the Repub­li­cans kept push­ing so hard to get Pres­i­dent Biden out of the way,” Jus­tice told the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er. “I mean, he was the gift that just kept on giv­ing. Why in the world did we push so bloomin’ hard for him to go?”
“Now what you’ve got is you’ve got a rein­vig­o­rat­ed Demo­c­rat Par­ty and, mon­ey, and mon­ey, and more mon­ey,” he said. “And you’ve got a can­di­date that, in a lot of ways, fits the bill in a lot of dif­fer­ent areas, and every­thing, that can pos­si­bly make things even more dif­fi­cult.”
Since Biden anno …