Tim Scott mar­ries girl­friend in week­end cer­e­mo­ny

Sen. Tim Scott (R‑SC) is no longer a bach­e­lor.
Scott, 58, mar­ried inte­ri­or design­er and moth­er of three Mindy Noce, 47, on Sat­ur­day in their native South Car­oli­na. The cer­e­mo­ny took place at Sea­coast Church in Mount Pleas­ant.
“Tonight, we promised to cher­ish and nour­ish each oth­er and our mar­riage for the rest of our lives,” Scott post­ed on social media. “Mindy, you’ve made me the hap­pi­est man alive. I love you.”

Tonight, we promised to cher­ish and nour­ish each oth­er and our mar­riage for the rest of our lives.Mindy, you’ve made me the hap­pi­est man alive. I love you.“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. There­fore what God has joined togeth­er, let no one separate.“Matthew 19:6 pic.twitter.com/tRjlffL0EE
— Tim Scott (@votetimscott) August 4, 2024

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