Coun­try star Tyler Hub­bard says ‘inten­tion­al’ father­hood is worth pri­or­i­tiz­ing

Country star Tyler Hubbard says ‘intentional’ fatherhood is worth prioritizing

Coun­try music star Tyler Hub­bard said the impor­tance of father­hood is just as impor­tant to his life as his career in music.
The musi­cian reflect­ed on how he and his for­mer band­mate, Bri­an Kel­ley, opt­ed to go solo sev­er­al years ago, and has since released almost two dozen songs to hit #1 on coun­try radio. In the midst of this, he has bal­anced his career life with his fam­i­ly life, which he called “a con­stant bal­anc­ing act.”
“And right now, I’m in a beau­ti­ful sea­son of life with a lot of great things going on,” Hub­bard said on Fox News’s One Nation with Bri­an Kilmeade. “But that requires a lot of being inten­tion­al and a lot of bal­anc­ing between my wife, my three kids, my career, my song­writ­ing. For­tu­nate­ly, I have a great team to help me kind of jug­gle it all.”

Hub­bard con­clud­ed that while he’s had to take some “lat …