A.F. Bran­co Car­toon – The Pyro Par­ty

A.F. Branco Cartoon – The Pyro Party

A.F. Bran­co Cartoon—Biden is to pass the Demo­c­ra­t­ic torch of destruc­tion to Kamala, a woman to the left of Burnie Sanders. The coun­try is on the verge of col­lapse with the Democ­rats’ poli­cies of open bor­ders, high crime, high infla­tion, and dis­as­trous for­eign pol­i­cy.

By Paul Ingras­sia – July 31, 2024
Kamala Har­ris has always been a weak can­di­date, and it is imper­a­tive Repub­li­can vot­ers nev­er lose sight of that fact, even as the main­stream media enters over­drive and hypes her to the moon.  At first blush her can­di­da­cy, which in recent weeks has been buoyed by fake news and in …