British PM Con­demns Anti-Immi­gra­tion Pro­test­ers. He Cham­pi­oned BLM Pro­test­ers In 2020.

After a young man of Rwan­dan descent knifed to death three young girls, ages 6,8, and 9, in South­port, Eng­land, on July 29, and anti-immi­gra­tion demon­stra­tions were mount­ed from Liv­er­pool, Eng­land, to Belfast, Ire­land, British Prime Min­is­ter Keir Starmer of the left-wing Labour Par­ty con­demned the pro­test­ers, call­ing the actions “far-right thug­gery we have seen this week­end.”
The sus­pect arrest­ed in the bru­tal mur­ders lives in Banks, Lan­cashire; he was born to Rwan­dan par­ents in Cardiff, Wales. Eight oth­er chil­dren were stabbed, as well as the teacher who tried to pro­tect them; five of the chil­dren were left in crit­i­cal con­di­tion.
“Be in no doubt: Those who have par­ti­ci …