CNN’s Kasie Hunt: Trump Call­ing Kamala Low-IQ ‘Def­i­nite­ly Race-Relat­ed’

<div>CNN's Kasie Hunt: Trump Calling Kamala Low-IQ 'Definitely Race-Related'</div>

Check the look of dismay/disdain on Kasie Hunt’s face as she decried Don­ald Trump hav­ing called Kamala Har­ris, dur­ing his Atlanta ral­ly on Sun­day, a “low-IQ individual.“On today’s CNN This Morn­ing, Hunt claimed that Trump’s state­ment was “def­i­nite­ly race-relat­ed.”
Real­ly? Shall we take a stroll down the list of peo­ple of pal­lor whose intel­lect Trump has dis­par­aged? Let’s begin with the infa­mous tweet in which Trump used the very same term regard­ing the very white Mika Brzezin­s­ki: “low‑I.Q. Crazy Mika.“Other exam­ples of white peo­ple whose intel­lect Trump has derid­ed:

Jeff Ses­sions: A “dumb South­ern­er”
Karl Rove: “Stu­pid” [five times]
Glenn Beck: “Stu­pid” “dumb as a rock”
Lind­sey Gra­ham: “Dumb mouth­piece”
John McCain: “dum­my,” “grad­u­at­ed last in his class”
Ari­an­na Huff­in­g­ton: “dum­my”
Brit Hume: “dope, know noth­ing”

There are oth­ers, but you get the pic­tur …