Four rea­sons besides Israel that Cori Bush could be head­ed for defeat

Rep. Cori Bush (D‑MO) could be the sec­ond “Squad” Demo­c­rat to be oust­ed from her seat in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives as the group of hard-left House Democ­rats’ views on Israel come under scruti­ny, but for Bush, Israel is not the only fac­tor lead­ing some to believe she is endan­gered.
Bush has been one of the most out­spo­ken crit­ics of Israel as it fights Hamas in Gaza, accus­ing Israel of an “eth­nic cleans­ing,” but there are four oth­er fac­tors that have played into why she was trail­ing St. Louis Coun­ty Pros­e­cu­tor Wes­ley Bell in a poll a week ahead of her pri­ma­ry.
Miss­ing votes
One of Bush’s weak spots has been atten­dance i …