Gal­lego endorsed by 40 Repub­li­cans and inde­pen­dents as Democ­rats hone in on Ari­zona

As the Ari­zona Sen­ate race is cement­ed with Repub­li­can Kari Lake and Rep. Ruben Gal­lego (D‑AZ), Gal­lego is gain­ing the sup­port of dozens of Repub­li­cans and inde­pen­dents.
The House Demo­c­rat said he has the sup­port of 40 Repub­li­cans and inde­pen­dents across the state. The news comes as Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris is gain­ing sim­i­lar trac­tion with cen­trist Repub­li­cans in the state with Gal­lego say­ing at least 10 of those who have endorsed him have also endorsed Har­ris.
“This elec­tion is about more than polit­i­cal par­ty. It’s about the val­ues we share and the future we want for our kids. I don’t care if you’re a Demo­c­rat, Repub­li­can, or Inde­pen­dent. We’re build­ing a bet­ter Ari­zona for us all,” Gal­lego post­ed on X.

Repub­li­can John Giles, the may­or of Mesa, which is the state’s third-largest city, endorsed Har­ris and Gal­lego. The Ari­zona Repub­lic report­ed that he has been invit­ed to the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion lat­er this month. He called the Repub­li­can tick­et, com­posed of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and Sen. J.D. Vance (R‑OH), “the great­est threat to Amer­i­can val …