Gas prices: More decreas­es at the pumps to end the week­end

Gas prices con­tin­ued their down­ward trend over the week­end, reliev­ing some of the finan­cial bur­dens peo­ple have been expe­ri­enc­ing at the pumps since Pres­i­dent Joe Biden took office. 
On Sun­day, the aver­age price for a gal­lon of reg­u­lar gas in the coun­try was $3.474, accord­ing to AAA. This was a slight decrease from Sat­ur­day when it cost $3.478 for a gal­lon of reg­u­lar. Gas prices were also less expen­sive on Sun­day than a week ago, when the aver­age price for a gal­lon of gas was $3.506. Prices are also cheap­er than from a month ago when the aver­age cost was $3.515 for a gal­lon of reg­u­lar gas.