Har­ris Hits Trail with Name-Call­ing, PBS’s Bar­ron-Lopez Adds Own ‘Creepy’ Phrase

<div>Harris Hits Trail with Name-Calling, PBS's Barron-Lopez Adds Own 'Creepy' Phrase</div>

When Lau­ra Bar­ron-Lopez appears on PBS, the ques­tion is: Reporter or Tax­pay­er-Fund­ed White House Press Sec­re­tary? 
On Friday’s PBS News Hour, it sound­ed like Karine Bar­ron-Lopez, tout­ing how Democ­rats have a new line of per­son­al attack: Brand­ing Repub­li­cans as “weird” and “creepy.” The PBS White House cor­re­spon­dent dropped her pre­vi­ous sen­si­tiv­i­ty to per­son­al attacks and seemed to approve of the new tac­tic.
Anchor Geoff Ben­nett set things up. “While on the cam­paign trail, the vice pres­i­dent is try­ing some new lan­guage on for size, like call­ing her oppo­nent Don­ald Trump weird.”
The sto­ry opened with the weird infer­ence that Kama …