Michi­gan elec­tion offi­cials tell vot­ers to drop off bal­lots, not mail them

Just a day away from Michigan’s pri­ma­ry elec­tion, offi­cials are con­cerned that the Unit­ed States Postal Ser­vice may not deliv­er some vot­ers’ absen­tee bal­lots on time. 
Birm­ing­ham City Clerk Alexan­dria Bing­ham told res­i­dents to drop their absen­tee bal­lot in per­son rather than rely on the mail, the Detroit Free Press report­ed. 
“We don’t want that to be the one bal­lot that gets into a bind some­where in the sys­tem,” Bing­ham said.
Ever since Louis DeJoy was appoint­ed post­mas­ter gen­er­al of the USPS in 2020, he’s faced scruti­ny for his efforts to revamp the postal sys­tem. 
While DeJoy con­tin­ues to hike stamp prices and ship­ping costs, the USPS report­ed los­ing $2.1 bil­lion in the first quar­ter of fis­cal 2024, more than dou­ble the net loss in the same time peri­od last year. How­ev­er, the USPS says its pro­ject­ed loss­es for the decade fell from $160 bil­lio …