Most see ‘Kamala­nomics’ as worse than ‘Bide­nomics’

Monday’s cra­ter­ing of glob­al stocks amid new reces­sion fears has Wall Street and the pub­lic scram­bling to deter­mine if Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s eco­nom­ic plan will be bet­ter than “Bide­nomics.”
She hasn’t pre­sent­ed an eco­nom­ic plan oth­er than her past brag­ging on Bide­nomics, a phrase the admin­is­tra­tion aban­doned as infla­tion took off. And in her focus on friend­ly audi­ences, such as black soror­i­ty con­ven­tions, she hasn’t revealed her finan­cial agen­da.

But vot­ers are pay­ing atten­tion, and they are giv­ing Har­ris a worse grade than Pres­i­dent Joe Biden.
In the lat­est Ras­mussen Reports sur­vey shared with Secrets, most like­ly vot­ers believe her eco­nom­ic agen­da will be worse or the same as Biden’s. Ras­mussen found that 38% believe it will be “worse,” 33% “about the same,” and just 22% “bet­ter.”
In the sur­vey, 53% said the Biden-Har­ris eco­nom­ic plan has been unsuc­cess­ful.
And when asked if for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s plans for the econ­o­my would be bet­ter or worse than those of the Biden-Har­ris admin­is …