News­Busters Pod­cast: Byron Don­alds Stays Calm as Stephanopou­los Yells

NewsBusters Podcast: Byron Donalds Stays Calm as Stephanopoulos Yells

The medi­a’s unelect­ed Democ­rats can­not tol­er­ate any­one ques­tion­ing the racial authen­tic­i­ty of Kamala Har­ris. On This Week, ABC’s can­tan­ker­ous George Stephanopou­los yelled at Rep. Byron Don­alds (R‑Fla.) over Trump ques­tion­ing her racial shape-shift­ing. Don­alds calm­ly stat­ed and repeat­ed that this is a phone issue, and that George was the one obsess­ing over race. 
But it’s far too com­mon for jour­nal­ists to ques­tion the black­ness of black con­ser­v­a­tives and Repub­li­cans, and sug­gest they’re just pan­der­ing to the white man. ABC’s The View did this in June, as Joy Behar sug­gest­ed Don­alds was stu­pid, and Sun­ny Hostin bizarrely implied black Repub­li­cans were myth­i­cal fig­ures, like “uni­corns.”
But when Trump said in Atlanta that Har­ris was a “low-IQ indi­vid­ual,” CNN morn­ing host Kasie Hunt said this was “def­i­nite­ly race-relat­ed.” These peo­ple have a field full of cows when you pro­nounce her name Ka–MAH-la. But you can com­pare …