PBS Only Evening News­cast to Report Fir­ing of UNRWA 9 Over Poten­tial Involve­ment In 10/7 Attacks

As the Mid­dle East braces for war, a major news sto­ry broke yet went unre­port­ed across the major evening net­work news­casts: The Unit­ed Nations’ Pales­tin­ian relief agency, known as UNRWA, fired nine employ­ees over their poten­tial involve­ment in Hamas’ bar­bar­ic Octo­ber 7th attack against Israel. 

In fact, the ONLY evening news­cast to report on the UNRWA fir­ings was PBS New­sHour. Here is that report in its entire­ty:



7:14 PM

AMNA NAWAZ: Mean­while, the Unit­ed Nations says it has f …