Smer­con­ish Shows Blacks Ques­tion­ing Kamala’s Race: ‘Low Infor­ma­tion Vot­ers’?

<div>Smerconish Shows Blacks Questioning Kamala's Race: 'Low Information Voters'?</div>

On his Sat­ur­day show, CNN host Michael Smer­con­ish dis­played video from a CBS reporter in Har­ris­burg, Penn­syl­va­nia, who went to a black bar­ber­shop and dis­cov­ered there were black men there who ques­tioned if Kamala Har­ris was authen­ti­cal­ly black.Oh no, they sound like Trump vot­ers!  It was nev­er this con­tro­ver­sial when Biden said in 2020 “You ain’t black” if you would­n’t vote for him. 
Smer­con­ish under­lined Trump’s inac­cu­rate trolling com­ments before the Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Black Jour­nal­ists con­ven­tion about how Har­ris decid­ed late in her career to iden­ti­fy as black. Smer­con­ish won­dered if Trump did this because “Har­ris’s roll­out has gone so well that he want­ed to take con­trol of the news cycle, even if he had to do so with a neg­a­tive sto­ry.” You could have just as eas­i­ly sug­gest­ed he did this to get out of the seem­ing­ly end­less “Vance said child­less cat lady” c …