Trump-endorsed can­di­date attacks oth­er Trump-endorsed can­di­date in same race as an ‘after­thought’

Rep. Dan New­house (R‑WA) is one of the few remain­ing House Repub­li­cans who vot­ed to impeach Don­ald Trump in 2021. Now, as pay­back, he’s set to face not just one but two can­di­dates with the for­mer president’s endorse­ment. 
Trump endorsed GOP can­di­date Tiffany Smi­ley late Sat­ur­day evening, laud­ing her as a “tremen­dous Amer­i­ca First Can­di­date” run­ning against the five-term incum­bent. The endorse­ment, though, comes three and a half months after Trump threw his sup­port behind Jer­rod Sessler — a con­tra­dic­tion the for­mer pres­i­dent seems to have no issue with. 
“They are both run­ning against a weak and pathet­ic RINO, Dan New­house, who stu­pid­ly vot­ed to impeach me for absolute­ly no rea­son, and he now strong­ly wish­es he didn’t make that Deci­sion,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social. “New­house has to go, and Repub­li­cans need to unite behind a WINNER to ensure we have a tremen­dous Vic­to­ry in Novem­ber. There­fore, …