Trump Media launch­es stream­ing plat­form Truth+

Trump Media launches streaming platform Truth+

Trump Media and Tech­nol­o­gy Group, the com­pa­ny that runs for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump‘s social media plat­form, Truth Social, announced Mon­day that it has suc­cess­ful­ly launched a con­tent deliv­ery net­work and TV stream­ing ser­vice on its social media plat­form.
“We’re thrilled to announce our CDN is suc­cess­ful­ly oper­at­ing through our first data cen­ter, as we work to bring addi­tion­al data cen­ters into oper­a­tion,” CEO Devin Nunes said in a state­ment.
He added, “We’re work­ing to cre­ate an uncan­cellable infra­struc­ture network—both hard­ware and software—that is owned and oper­at­ed by TMTG. Truth Social is deter­mined to become the unas­sail­able fortress of free speech on the Inter­net.”

The down­load screen for Truth Social app is seen on a lap­top com­put­er, Wednes­day, March 20, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/John Min­chil­lo, File)

For Truth Social users who use the plat­form via the web, they can cur­rent­ly access the stream­ing plat­form Truth+. As the plat­form con­tin­ues its phased roll­out of Truth+, it will allow TV stream­ing on the Android and Apple iOS ver­sions of Truth Social.
The stream­ing fea­ture of the plat­form will soon allow a 14-day inter­ac­tive show guide with replay of any pro­grams for the past sev­en days, video on demand, and a net­work DVR.
The Trump media com­pa­ny plans to expand the Truth Social plat­form to stream on in-home TV sets and pro­vide “news, Chris­t­ian con­tent and fam­i­ly friend­ly pro­gram­ming.”
With the news of the roll­out of the TV stream­ing ser­vice com­ing to Truth Social, the media com­pa …