Bat­tle set for key Michi­gan Sen­ate seat between Elis­sa Slotkin and Mike Rogers

Battle set for key Michigan Senate seat between Elissa Slotkin and Mike Rogers

The stage is set for Novem­ber in Michigan’s bat­tle­ground Sen­ate race, with Tuesday’s pri­maries tee­ing up a gen­er­al elec­tion con­test between Rep. Elis­sa Slotkin (D‑MI) and for­mer House Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee Chair­man Mike Rogers.
The “toss-up” race to replace retir­ing long­time Sen. Deb­bie Stabenow (D‑MI) could deter­mine par­ty con­trol of the Sen­ate as Democ­rats fight to retain their one-seat mar­gin.
Both can­di­dates glid­ed to vic­to­ry in their respec­tive pri­maries and ulti­mate­ly faced min­i­mal com­pe­ti­tion after receiv­ing sup­port from the cam­paign arms of Sen­ate Repub­li­cans and Sen­ate Democ­rats.
With just 6% of the vote tal­lied, Rogers was around 70% of the vote, com­pared to about 12% for Repub­li­can-turned-lib­er­tar­i­an for­mer Rep. Justin Amash and less than 10% for physi­cian Sher­ry O’Donnell.
Slotkin was at 75% with 9% of the vote tal­lied short­ly after 9 p.m. when the Asso­ci­at­ed Press called the race. Actor and small busi­ness own­er Hill Harp­er was at 25%.
Recent polling gives Slotkin a sev­er­al-point advan­tage, but it remains with­in the ma …