Biden lauds Walz as ‘great deci­sion’ by Har­ris for vice pres­i­dent

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has bro­ken his silence on Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris‘s first major deci­sion now she is the 2024 Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee.
“Kamala Har­ris has made a great deci­sion in choos­ing Gov­er­nor Tim Walz to be her run­ning mate,” Biden wrote on social media on Tues­day. “I’ve known Tim Walz for near­ly two decades, first dur­ing his time in Con­gress and as Gov­er­nor. A hus­band and father, he’s been a school teacher and a high school foot­ball coach. He served for 24 years in the Army Nation­al Guard and became the high­est rank­ing enlist­ed sol­dier to ever serve in Con­gress. As Gov­er­nor, he’s been a strong, prin­ci­pled, and effec­tive leader.”

The first major deci­sion a par­ty nom­i­nee makes is their choice for Vice Pres­i­dent. And Kamala …