For­mer Rep. Nan­cy Boy­da wins Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­ma­ry for open seat in Kansas’ 2nd Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict

<div>Former Rep. Nancy Boyda wins Democratic primary for open seat in Kansas' 2nd Congressional District</div>

For­mer Rep. Nan­cy Boy­da, who rep­re­sent­ed Kansas’ 2nd Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict in 2006, was declared the vic­tor in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­ma­ry on Tues­day night.  The Sun­flower State seat is cur­rent­ly held by Repub­li­can Rep. Jake LaTurn­er, who is not seek­ing re-elec­tion this fall. Aside from Boy­da’s two-year term end­ing in 2008, the seat has been held by Repub­li­cans for near­ly 30 years.THE KANSAS SUPREME COURT HAS RULED THAT VOTING IS NOT A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT. WHAT’S NEXT FOR VOTERS?Boyda was the last Demo­c­rat to hold the dom­i­nant­ly red seat, serv­ing on the House Agri­cul­ture and Armed Ser­vices com­mit­tees dur­ing her one term. …