CBS Cor­re­spon­dent Hypes Iran’s Beat­ing ‘The War Drums’ Ahead of Attack

One of CBS’s most ardent­ly pro-Hamas cor­re­spon­dents has now moved towards, if not out­right cheer­lead­ing for Iran, lever­ag­ing her plat­form as an instru­ment of pro-Iran­ian pro­pa­gan­da.
Notice the jar­ring jux­ta­po­si­tion between Major Garrett’s fram­ing of Deb­o­ra Patta’s dis­patch from the Mid­dle East, and how the report actu­al­ly opened:

6:41 PM
MAJOR GARRETT: Sev­er­al U.S. per­son­nel were injured today in a sus­pect­ed rock­et attack on the al-Asad air­base in Iraq. We don’t yet know the sever­i­ty of the injuries and no group has claimed respon­si­bil­i­ty. The White House says the …