Dai­ly Show Uses Olympic Box­ing Con­tro­ver­sy To Spread Fake News About Pro-Life Laws

Com­e­dy Central’s week­ly temp host of The Dai­ly Show, Michael Kos­ta, react­ed to the out­rage that Alger­ian box­er Imane Khe­lif is  allowed to com­pete in the women’s Olympic box­ing tour­na­ment on Mon­day by spread­ing fake news about pro-life laws in Amer­i­ca in an attempt to argue con­ser­v­a­tives are being hyp­o­crit­i­cal. He also con­ve­nient­ly nev­er said the words “failed gen­der test.”

For the Inter­na­tion­al Olympic Com­mit­tee, Khe­lif is a woman because her pass­port iden­ti­fies her as such, and t …