FBI exe­cutes search war­rant on Rep. Andy Ogles, seizes cell phone day after pri­ma­ry win

FBI executes search warrant on Rep. Andy Ogles, seizes cell phone day after primary win

Rep. Andy Ogles, R‑Tenn., announced on social media Tues­day that his phone was seized by the FBI last week – just one day after he won a Repub­li­can pri­ma­ry in the Vol­un­teer State.Ogles, a mem­ber of the House Free­dom Cau­cus, shared a state­ment on X about the inves­ti­ga­tion, which report­ed­ly involves cam­paign finance fil­ings. Sources con­firmed to Fox News that FBI agents exe­cut­ed a search war­rant at his D.C. office last week.“It has been wide­ly report­ed for months that my cam­paign made mis­takes in our ini­tial finan­cial fil­ings,” the Ten­nessee politi­cian said in his post. “We have worked dili­gent­ly with attor­neys and report­ing experts to cor­rect the errors and ensure com­pli­ance going forward.”“Last Fri­day, the FBI took pos­ses­sion of my cell phone.“SEN. HAWLEY REVEALS NEW WHISTLEBLOWER CLAI …