Fox News Pol­i­tics: It’s Tim Walz

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Wel­come to Fox News’ Pol­i­tics newslet­ter with the lat­est polit­i­cal news from Wash­ing­ton D.C. and updates from the 2024 cam­paign trail. What’s happening…-Republicans eager to face Har­ris-Walz ticket…-Most vot­ers haven’t heard of Tim Walz…-Walz past posi­tions on immi­gra­tion come back to haunt himVice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty’s pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee, on Tues­day named Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz as her run­ning mate as she faces off against for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump in the 2024 elec­tion, Fox News Dig­i­tal has con­firmed. The nam­ing of the 60-year-old Walz was not a shock­er, as his name was instant­ly thought to be in con­tention in the two weeks since Har­ris suc­ceed­ed Pres­i­dent Biden as the par­ty’s standard-bearer.Walz, a for­mer con­gress­man, is in his sec­ond term as gov­er­nor of Min­neso­ta, a state that Democ­rats have reli­ably won in pres­i­den­tial elec­tions for decades but that the Trump cam­paign has aimed at flip­ping this cycle.“I am proud to announce that I’ve asked @Tim_Walz to be my run­ning mate,” Har­ris offi­cial­ly announced on X Tues­day. “As a gov­er­nor, a coach, a teacher, and a vet­er­an, he’s deliv­ered for work­ing fam­i­lies like his.” She added: “It’s great to have him on the team. Now let’s get to work.” Har­ris also said that “one of the things that stood out to me about Tim is how his con­vic­tions on fight­ing for mid­dle class fam­i­lies run deep.” …Read more’IN­EX­PE­RI­ENCED AND POLARIZING’: Oba­ma takes sub­tle jab at Vance in state­ment prais­ing Walz …Read more’THANK YOU, KAMALA!’: Repub­li­cans ch …