Gas prices: Anoth­er day of relief at the pumps to start the week

Gas prices in the coun­try con­tin­ue to drop, mark­ing over a week straight in which the aver­age cost for a gal­lon of reg­u­lar gas has dropped. It would be unfair to char­ac­ter­ize the decreas­es over this peri­od as sub­stan­tial, how­ev­er, they were decreas­es nev­er­the­less.  
On Mon­day, the aver­age price for a gal­lon of reg­u­lar gas in the coun­try was $3.472, accord­ing to AAA. This was a slight decrease from Sun­day, when it cost $3.474 for a gal­lon of reg­u­lar gas. Prices are cheap­er …