GOP House can­di­date fires back after Dem oppo­nent echoes ‘weird’ attack line against JD Vance

<div>GOP House candidate fires back after Dem opponent echoes 'weird' attack line against JD Vance</div>

CINCINNATI – A Repub­li­can can­di­date run­ning in one of the most close­ly watched House races in the coun­try is fir­ing back in defense of Trump’s VP can­di­date JD Vance after his oppo­nent, Rep. Greg Lands­man, claimed Vance does not rep­re­sent the peo­ple of south­west Ohio. “What I’ve got to say to my oppo­nent is you’ve got to look in the mir­ror,” Orlan­do Son­za told Fox News Dig­i­tal in response to a lengthy X thread from Lands­man out­lin­ing why he believes Vance does not prop­er­ly rep­re­sent south­west Ohio.In the thread, Lands­man called Vance “weird” and said, “Mr. Vance and I live just a few miles away from one anoth­er. We both grew up in But­ler Coun­ty. But my val­ues – and the val­ues of the peo­ple I rep­re­sent – could­n’t be fur­ther apart from his.”“His views and beliefs don’t rep …