Har­ris dodges ques­tions about her plan to han­dle a reces­sion, attacks Trump’s eco­nom­ic record instead

<div>Harris dodges questions about her plan to handle a recession, attacks Trump's economic record instead</div>

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ cam­paign attacked for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump and his eco­nom­ic record when asked how she would han­dle a poten­tial reces­sion that econ­o­mists wor­ry is loom­ing over the U.S. econ­o­my. “What mid­dle-class fam­i­lies need is steady eco­nom­ic stew­ard­ship, not chaot­ic rant­i­ng lies,” Har­ris cam­paign spokesper­son Ammar Mous­sa told Fox News Dig­i­tal when asked if the vice pres­i­dent has a plan craft­ed to han­dle a poten­tial reces­sion and what those poli­cies would look like. “Don­ald Trump had the worst jobs record of any mod­ern pres­i­dent, and over­saw some of the worst days in the stock mar­ket in his­to­ry while spend­ing his pres­i­den­cy lin­ing the pock­ets of his wealthy friends who shipped Amer­i­can jobs over­seas. Eco­nom­ic experts agree: …