Har­ris Taps Min­neso­ta Gov­er­nor Tim Walz As Run­ning Mate

Kamala Har­ris on Tues­day will tap Tim Walz, the lib­er­al Demo­c­rat gov­er­nor of Min­neso­ta, to be her run­ning mate in Novem­ber, putting a rel­a­tive­ly unknown polit­i­cal fig­ure into the spot­light with less than 100 days until Elec­tion Day.
CNN first report­ed that Har­ris had set­tled on Walz, cit­ing “four peo­ple close to the process,” with the Asso­ci­at­ed Press fol­low­ing short­ly behind. Har­ris is expect­ed to unveil Walz at a ral­ly in Philadel­phia, Penn­syl­va­nia lat­er this after­noon.
Walz was on a short­list of poten­tial run­ning mates that also includ­ed Trans­porta­tion Sec­re­tary Pete Buttigieg, Penn­syl­va­nia Gov­er­nor Josh Shapiro, Ari­zona Sen­a­tor Mark Kel­ly, and Ken­tucky Gov­er­nor Andy Beshear.
Walz, 60, was one of the less­er-known vice pres­i­den­tial co …