Kamala Har­ris and ‘Coach’ Tim Walz team up against ‘JV’ GOP tick­et at Philadel­phia ral­ly

PHILADELPHIA — In the city of broth­er­ly love, Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris and her recent­ly announced run­ning mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D‑MN), held their first cam­paign ral­ly togeth­er Tues­day evening in Philadel­phia where they cham­pi­oned uni­ty as they pre­pare for a bru­tal cam­paign cycle against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
“We are the under­dogs in this race, but we have the momen­tum, and I know exact­ly what we are up against,” said Har­ris to a rau­cous crowd eager to cheer the cam­paign on.
“Our cam­paign is not just a fight against Don­ald Trump. Our cam­paign, this cam­paign, is a fight for the future,” she con­tin­ued after the crowd chant­ed “Lock him up!”
As Har­ris intro­duced Walz, she praised him as a leader, fight­er, teacher, and coach who has defend­ed repro­duc­tive access, pro­vid­ed free meals to Min­neso­ta school chil­dren, as well as cham­pi­oned a high-school Gay Straight Allianc …