‘His record is a joke’: Vance tears into Har­ris VP pick Walz at Philadel­phia counter-ral­ly

‘His record is a joke’: Vance tears into Harris VP pick Walz at Philadelphia counter-rally

PHILADELPHIA, Penn. — Sen. JD Vance, R‑Ohio, react­ed to the “inter­est­ing tag team” of Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris and Gov. Tim Walz, D‑Minn., on Tues­day in Philadel­phia, Penn­syl­va­nia after her much-antic­i­pat­ed pick was made pub­lic. “If we remem­ber the riot­ing in the sum­mer of 2020, Tim Walz was the guy who let riot­ers burn down Min­neapo­lis,” he recalled of the riots which began in Min­neso­ta in response to the death of George Floyd dur­ing his arrest in Min­neapo­lis.  “And then Kamala Har­ris was the one who bailed the riot­ers out of jail,” he added.” So there’s an inter­est­ing team in that sense.“BIDEN, DEMS RACE …