Local tax­es can increase now with law elim­i­nat­ing Illi­nois’ gro­cery tax in 2026

Local taxes can increase now with law eliminating Illinois’ grocery tax in 2026

(The Cen­ter Square) – There’s a lot more to the new­ly enact­ed law elim­i­nat­ing Illi­nois’ gro­cery tax in 2026. Local gov­ern­ments can now impose their own 1% tax, along with oth­er sales tax increas­es. 
Gov. J.B. Pritzk­er announced Mon­day he signed House Bill 3144, tout­ing relief he said the mea­sure will bring. 
“Even with infla­tion cool­ing off every dol­lar counts, so I’m proud we’re doing what we can to make trips to the gro­cery store a lit­tle eas­i­er,” Pritzk­er said in a state­ment. “It’s one more impor­tant part of lift­ing the bur­den on Illi­nois fam­i­lies.”
In 2022, an elec­tion year, Pritzk­er pro­posed a 12-month reduc­tion of the state’s gro­cery tax from 1% to zero. Funds were increased in the bud­get for that peri­od to assist local gov­ern­ments impacte …