Mike John­son demands Biden ‘imme­di­ate­ly release’ any with­held aid to Israel as Mid­dle East ten­sion grows

<div>Mike Johnson demands Biden 'immediately release' any withheld aid to Israel as Middle East tension grows</div>

House Speak­er Mike John­son, R‑La., is urg­ing Pres­i­dent Biden to release any exist­ing holds on U.S. lethal aid to Israel and to speed up the release of pre­vi­ous­ly with­held aid, hours after an attack on an Amer­i­can mil­i­tary base in Iraq.“After repeat­ed attacks on Amer­i­can troops in the region, and while Israel is under threat from Hamas, Hezbol­lah and Iran, the U.S. can­not hes­i­tate to defend our ser­vice mem­bers and our ally,” John­son said Tues­day morning.“Any attack by Iran against Israel or Amer­i­can inter­ests would be unjus­ti­fied and met with deci­sive force. Amer­i­ca and our allies and part­ners in the region should work togeth­er to strong­ly counter Iran and its ter­ror prox­ies to send a cle …