‘Per­fect Back­sto­ry’ ABC Cheers Kamala Pick­ing ‘Folksy’, ‘Mod­er­ate’, ‘Plain­spo­ken’ Walz

You could ABC is already in love. Dur­ing Tuesday’s ABC News Spe­cial Report on Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris select­ing Gov­er­nor Tim Walz (D‑MN) as her run­ning mate, the lib­er­al jour­nal­ists were ebul­lient over Walz as not only “folksy” and “per­son­al”, but also “the All-Amer­i­can def­i­n­i­tion of a man from mid­dle — Mid­dle Amer­i­ca” with a “per­fect back­sto­ry” and both a “mod­er­ate” and “pro­gres­sive”.

Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca co-host and for­mer Clin­ton offi­cial George Steph …