Reichert wins pri­ma­ry to advance to the gen­er­al elec­tion for Gov­er­nor in Wash­ing­ton State

Reichert wins primary to advance to the general election for Governor in Washington State

Dave Reichert, a Repub­li­can, took the sec­ond slot in the guber­na­to­r­i­al pri­ma­ry in Wash­ing­ton state on Tues­day night, beat­ing out numer­ous oth­er con­tenders. He now faces Bob Fer­gu­son, the state’s Demo­c­ra­t­ic attor­ney gen­er­al, who placed first in Tues­day’s pri­ma­ry. The two will now face off in the Nov. 5 gen­er­al elec­tion con­test for governor.In Wash­ing­ton’s “top two” pri­ma­ry sys­tem, all can­di­dates for con­gres­sion­al and state offices are list­ed on the same bal­lot. The two can­di­dates who receive the high­est num­ber of votes move on to the gen­er­al elec­tion, irre­spec­tive of their par­ty affiliations.Reichert, who served as King Coun­ty Sher­iff for 33 years, is best known for his role in cap­tur­ing the Green Riv­er Killer, a noto­ri­ous ser­i­al killer. His te …