Walz backed ‘sanc­tu­ary’ poli­cies, ser­vices for ille­gal immi­grants as gov­er­nor: ‘Win for open bor­ders’

<div>Walz backed 'sanctuary' policies, services for illegal immigrants as governor: 'Win for open borders'</div>

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ announce­ment of Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz as her run­ning mate has already brought fresh scruti­ny on his record on immi­gra­tion and bor­der secu­ri­ty – includ­ing his sup­port of dri­ver’s licens­es for ille­gal immi­grants and calls to make Min­neso­ta a sanc­tu­ary state.Moments after the pick was report­ed, Repub­li­cans ham­mered the choice, with for­mer South Car­oli­na Gov. Nik­ki Haley describ­ing a Harris/Walz tick­et as “a win for open bor­ders, social­ism, and Iran.“The Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee imme­di­ate­ly hit him on his record, accus­ing him of flood­ing ille­gal immi­grants with ben­e­fits. It not­ed Walz’s cre­ation of an “Office of New Amer­i­cans” to help immi­grants and refugees inte­grate into the Unit­ed States.WH …