Where Harris’s cam­paign is going this week and why the stops mat­ter

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris is mak­ing her­self busy on the cam­paign trail as she has now clinched the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­na­tion.
On Tues­day, her cam­paign will stop in Philadel­phia where she is expect­ed to appear with her run­ning mate, which has been con­firmed to be Gov. Tim Walz (D‑MN). Her cam­paign will then embark on a cam­paign tour across five more key bat­tle­ground states. 
In the mean­time, her oppo­nent, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, is only vis­it­ing one state, Mon­tana, at the end of the week. Mon­tana has safe­ly vot­ed for a Repub­li­can for pres­i­dent for decades, but it has a com­pet­i­tive Sen­ate race this year between incum­bent Sen. Jon Tester (D‑MT) and chal­lenger Tim Shee­hy. The Har­ris cam­paign took lit­tle time to point out the candidate’s dif­fer­ences in sched­ules.

Har­ris was set to go to Savan­nah, Geor­gia, as well this week, but the event has been post­poned due to Hur­ri­cane Deb­by. Here is Harris’s sched­ule this week: 
Har­ris is start­ing her cam­paign tour in Philadel­phia, and she is set to …