ABC, CBS, NBC Give A Warm Regime Media Wel­come To Tim Walz

The net­work evening news­casts wast­ed no time wel­com­ing Min­neso­ta Gov­er­nor Tim Walz to the bright lights of nation­al pol­i­tics as he was announced as Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s cho­sen run­ning mate. And it was a warm wel­come, indeed.
ABC, as the most Har­ris-syco­phan­tic net­work, ran a flat­ter­ing pro­file of Walz with­in the broad­er report on the pick and the ral­ly, unlike NBC and CBS which did stand­alone reports focused sole­ly on Walz. 
Here’s how ABC con­densed Walz’ resumé for view­er …