Col­umn: Har­ris, Walz, and the ‘Min­neso­ta Free­dom Fund’ Scan­dal

<div>Column: Harris, Walz, and the 'Minnesota Freedom Fund' Scandal</div>

Kamala Har­ris announced that her run­ning mate will be Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz, who drew nation­al huz­zahs in the last few weeks for under­lin­ing the Demo­c­rat mes­sage that J.D. Vance is a major-league weirdo.
Vance con­grat­u­lat­ed Walz for the gig, and low­ered the boom: “Tim Walz allowed riot­ers to burn down Min­neapo­lis in the sum­mer of 2020, and the few that got caught, Kamala Har­ris helped bail them out of jail.”
One of many sto­ries omit­ted by the pro-Kamala media was her June 2020 tweet solic­it­ing dona­tions to some­thing called the Min­neso­ta Free­dom Fund: “If you’re able to, chip in now to the #MNFree­dom­Fund to help post bail for those protest­ing on the ground in Min­neso­ta.”
It’s a bit euphemistic to describe riot­ers as “protest­ing.” Democ­rats usu­al­ly call riot­ers “insur­rec­tion­ists” if they love Trump. If they’re racial­ly obsessed left­ists, then the …