GOP opti­mistic Neva­da is key to White House and Sen­ate major­i­ty

GOP optimistic Nevada is key to White House and Senate majority

The GOP is con­fi­dent Neva­da could be the key it needs to win con­trol of the Sen­ate and put a Repub­li­can back in the Oval Office. 
Sen. Steve Daines (R‑MT) explained why he thinks Repub­li­cans have a fight­ing chance to flip Neva­da in a new inter­view with the Neva­da Inde­pen­dent. 
Daines, the chair­man of the Nation­al Repub­li­can Sen­a­to­r­i­al Com­mit­tee, believes his par­ty can increase rur­al vot­er turnout in the state by rough­ly 20% this elec­tion cycle. Repub­li­cans dom­i­nate rur­al vot­ers in the swing state. Nevada’s rur­al vot­er turnout stood at 50% in the 2022 midterm elec­tion. Daines hopes for a 70% turnout in 2024, and if suc­cess­ful, that could change the course of the pres­i­den­tial race and flip one of the state’s vul­ner­a­ble Demo­c­ra­t­ic Sen­ate seats red. 
Both par­ties have hailed the west­ern bat­tle­ground as a crit­i­cal key to vic­to­ry in this elec­tion. The GOP believes win­ning Neva­da in Novem­ber could land a Repub­li­can in the White House …