Her­itage ‘cen­sor­ship’ report shines light on Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er inves­ti­ga­tion

A new report released by the con­ser­v­a­tive Her­itage Foun­da­tion puts a spot­light on a Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er inves­tiga­tive series on right-lean­ing media out­lets appear­ing to be “cen­sored” by gov­ern­ment actors.
The report focus­es on the Nation­al Endow­ment for Democ­ra­cy, a State Depart­ment-fund­ed non­prof­it group that the author, for­mer U.S. Agency for Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment offi­cial Tim Meis­burg­er, argued “needs over­sight and reform” due to it being “staffed almost entire­ly by Democ­rats.” The Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er first report­ed in Feb­ru­ary 2023 that the NED and the State Department’s Glob­al Engage­ment Cen­ter fund­ed the Glob­al Dis­in­for­ma­tion Index, a British group black­list­ing right-of-cen­ter web­sites from adver­tis­ing dol­lars.
“Accord­ing to Gabe Kamin­sky, an inves­tiga­tive reporter at the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er, the NED made grants total­ing $545,750 between 2020 and 2021 to the Glob­al Dis­in­for­ma­tion Index (GDI), a British orga­ni­za­tion that com­piles a list of ‘risky’ online plat­forms that adver­tis­ers should avoid,” Meis­burg­er wrote in the report. “The list ranked left-lean­ing sites as low risk and right-lean­ing out­lets high risk, essen­tial­ly try­ing to bank­rupt the out­lets.”
That the State Depart­ment would fund GDI prompt­ed a recent law­suit by the Fed­er­al­ist and the Dai­ly Wire …