How UAW’s endorse­ment of Har­ris could help her in Michi­gan

As Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris embarks on her pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, she has been endorsed by one key group that could tip her to vic­to­ry in Michi­gan: the Unit­ed Auto Work­ers labor union.
Har­ris is mak­ing a cam­paign stop on Wednes­day in Detroit, where she is expect­ed to meet with UAW lead­ers and mem­bers. UAW Pres­i­dent Shawn Fain said the coun­try is “at a cross­roads” in his endorse­ment of Har­ris.
“We can put a bil­lion­aire back in office who stands against every­thing our union stands for, or we can elect Kamala Har­ris who will stand shoul­der to shoul­der with us in our war on cor­po­rate greed,” Fain said. “This cam­paign is bring­ing togeth­er peo­ple from all walks of life, build­ing a move­ment that can defeat Don­ald Trump at the bal­lot box. For our 1 mil­lion active and retired mem­bers, the choice is clear: We will elect Kamala Har­ris to be our next pres­i­dent this Novem­ber.”
“Vice Pres­i­dent Har­ris is hon­ored to …