Iraq War Vet Said In 2006 That Tim Walz Nev­er Served, ‘Aban­doned His Fel­low Sol­diers’

Iraq War Vet Said In 2006 That Tim Walz Never Served, ‘Abandoned His Fellow Soldiers’

A Min­neso­ta mil­i­tary reservist who heed­ed the call to fight the war in Iraq said in 2006 that Tim Walz, now the Demo­c­rat can­di­date for vice pres­i­dent, had “dis­ap­point­ed” his peers by “mis­lead­ing” peo­ple into believ­ing he served in Iraq.
“Walz is leav­ing the impres­sion that he served in the com­bat zones of the cur­rent con­flict. The truth is that he served in Italy,” Tom Hagen wrote in a let­ter pub­lished in the Winona Dai­ly News on Novem­be …